Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Italian for KIDS at New Farm State School

Italian Colours

Italian is a fantastic language! Children learn very easily when they are doing activities they love, like dancing, story telling, singing and all in Italian!

In Term 4 I will offer an Italian course for younger children at New Farm State School.

This course will run for only 6 weeks and will be specifically tailored for children in Prep and Year 1.

Do you want to know more!!!??

Get in touch!!


Let's practise the market

At the market
Italian Cultural Experience
Can you ‪#‎translate‬ this?
A- ‪#‎Buongiorno‬ signora. Posso aiutarla?
B- Buongiorno. Vorrei un chilo di ‪#‎pomodori‬ e due ‪#‎carciofi‬.
A- Subito. Serve altro? Guardi che belle ‪#‎zucchine‬ e finocchi che ci sono.
B- No. Basta così. Quanto le devo?
A- Sono 7 euro.
B- Ecco a lei.
A- ‪#‎Grazie‬, il suo resto.
B- Grazie. ‪#‎Arrivederci‬.
A- Arrivederci.
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