Sunday, December 11, 2016

Italian for KIDS at New Farm State School in 2017

Italian for kids at New Farm State School
Children learn very quickly! They have their own way to work things out!
Next year there are going to be new classes for children at New Farm State School during Term 1, 2017.

To enrol your children in this course, I would suggest to contact Rachel today at: 

Classes will start on February 4, 2017 at 9am

Be quick!
Italian colours 

If you have some questions please do not hesitate to contact me by using the contact form.

A presto! 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Let's learn Italian in Brisbane (classes, small groups, one-on-one, corporate)

The Trevi Fountain by Simona Albanese

Wow!!! Going to Italy? Wondering where to start? Do you want to learn some basic sentences just to make things a little bit easier?

Well!!! I am here to help you. I organise private lessons as well as small groups!
Be quick, because I'm going away with a tour in April 2017!!!

Just get in touch:
0414 262 782

Your connection to Italy in the heart of Brisbane

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Italian for KIDS at New Farm State School

Italian Colours

Italian is a fantastic language! Children learn very easily when they are doing activities they love, like dancing, story telling, singing and all in Italian!

In Term 4 I will offer an Italian course for younger children at New Farm State School.

This course will run for only 6 weeks and will be specifically tailored for children in Prep and Year 1.

Do you want to know more!!!??

Get in touch!!


Let's practise the market

At the market
Italian Cultural Experience
Can you ‪#‎translate‬ this?
A- ‪#‎Buongiorno‬ signora. Posso aiutarla?
B- Buongiorno. Vorrei un chilo di ‪#‎pomodori‬ e due ‪#‎carciofi‬.
A- Subito. Serve altro? Guardi che belle ‪#‎zucchine‬ e finocchi che ci sono.
B- No. Basta così. Quanto le devo?
A- Sono 7 euro.
B- Ecco a lei.
A- ‪#‎Grazie‬, il suo resto.
B- Grazie. ‪#‎Arrivederci‬.
A- Arrivederci.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Italian for children at New Farm State School

Italian is a wonderful language! Children learn very easily when they are doing activities they love, like dancing, story telling, singing and all in Italian!

From Term 3 I will offer a new Italian course for younger children at New Farm State School.

This course will run for only 4 weeks and will be specifically tailored for children in Prep and Year 1.

Do you want to know more!!!??

Get in touch!!


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Italian Classes on Monday in Term 3 @ New Farm State School

It's time to enrol for Term 3!!!!

There are many classes offered at New Farm State School.
Italian is on Monday!!!

Enrol today to not be disappointed !

Contact Nancy at

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Italian classes in Term 2 @ New Farm State School

Hello everyone, 

New Italian language classes will start in May at New Farm State School in Brisbane.
For enrolment contact Nancy at



Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Are you looking for an ITALIAN TEACHER in Brisbane?

Stop there! Time to learn Italian with Simona Albanese

Hi there!! 

Visiting a new place and having trouble understanding what people saying can be unpleasant!   

Are you in Brisbane? Are looking for someone who can teach you the Italian language? Do you want to survive next time you are in Italy? Do you want to order a meal or ask for directions? or even understand what the signs on the road mean? Or learn a bit about the culture and the places you should visit when there?

Get in touch!! I will be delighted to help you!

Send me an email HERE

A presto!! 


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

NEW ITALIAN CLASSES @ New Farm - 2016 - Brisbane

Italian classes @ New Farm

Hi everyone!!!

Some of you are thinking about the next holidays, some are probably thinking to revise their Italian and other will want to improve their skills.....

This is perfect!!!!!!

New Italian classes are back in Term 1, 2016, at New Farm State School in Brisbane.
The course will start on Monday, February 1st, 2016!

For enrolment contact Nancy at

A presto!

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